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Marissa Beck, MS, RDN | Dietitian

School starting 🆙 will help us all.

Welcome to the newly rebranded “Revved & Ready!” Your Monday boost to get R&R in a whole new way. Not a subscriber yet? Start here.

Happy Monday 🌞, Reader –

Ah, the start of the school year—whether you’ve got kids in tow or not

... there’s something about this time of year that feels fresh and new, don’t you think?

Maybe it’s the leaves starting to turn, or the sight of school buses lining the roads. But I think what really shifts for us all during this time is one simple word:


And BOY does my household need it again 🤪

There’s a certain beauty in structure, in the comforting rhythm of routine and ritual. And yes, “ritual”—I’ve been diving into this concept lately.

It’s funny how something as simple as a morning habit can turn into something meaningful when we approach it with intention.

As an example, my morning tea (British brunch all the way) has become quite the ritual, let me share why...

Smith Tea British brunch with my favorite high-protein oatmeal cups + new customized supplement pack.

This ritual is not just a habit.

… It is not just going on autopilot with groggy eyes, but the process…

… of pouring hot water from my gooseneck kettle...

... over black tea leaves in my favorite mug—

... the one that’s so well-loved, the words on the side have faded from years of use.

^ I feel the warmth of the cup in my hands, the light spilling into the kitchen, and amidst the chaos of my kids, there’s a moment of calm as the steam rises to meet my face.

That’s what ritual is to me—a pause, a breath, a moment to connect with the present.

Speaking of connection, last week, I had some incredible conversations ☕ with clients and followers during my market research calls. (Thank you!)

One thing that stood out to me was just how universal food issues are.

Some insights:

→ It’s not about how much money you make

→ How young or old you are

→ What size you wear

I think you get the picture.

Because food struggles don’t discriminate. They touch the lives of everyone, from students to professionals, from young to seasoned parents.

It got me thinking about how much these pain points are intertwined with the need for a semblance of structure in our lives.

When we feel out of control around food, it’s often because we’re missing that grounding mindfulness routine or meaningful ritual.

As we step into this new season, I invite you to embrace the beauty of structure in your life.

Not just the to-do lists and schedules, but the small, intentional moments that bring you joy and calm—your own personal rituals.

Until next time, take care and some food for thought: it’s the little things that often make the biggest difference.

In good health,

P.S. giving credit where credit is due - the “Revved & Ready!” newsletter rebrand is thanks to my 9-year-old daughter, so very creative and introspective. She took one look at the old newsletter name, asked what I discussed each week, and declared that “Revved & Ready” just felt right. I have to say, she might be onto something—looks like I’ve found my new in-house marketing guru!

P.P.S. And did you know if you think someone else might like these newsletters, I would be grateful if you forwarded them onward so they could subscribe to getting Revved & Ready every Monday morning ☀️ Not a subscriber yet? Start here.

This week on the ’Gram & FB

The toxic impact of diet culture isn’t new—it’s generational.

But guess what? Now is the perfect time to break the cycle. 🔁

Head over to the Instagram feed or Facebook feed to explore how to stop that spiral in its tracks. See you there!

About Marissa Beck, MS, RDN

Founder of REVV Health, Marissa is a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) with over 14 years of experience. She specializes in individual and family nutrition therapy, as well as workplace wellness solutions to help people REVVamp their eating habits. Marissa’s expertise spans developing nutrition programs for tech companies and providing counseling for diverse medical conditions.

Currently serving as the President-Elect of the Washington State Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics (WSAND), Marissa is also pursuing board certification as an eating disorder specialist. Originally from New York, she earned her Master of Science from Columbia University and now enjoys an active lifestyle in Greater Seattle with her husband and two daughters.

7683 SE 27th Street, #144, Mercer Island, WA 98040
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Marissa Beck, MS, RDN | Dietitian

My Monday morning ☀️ newsletter helps you 💥crush food and body weight struggles to🌱become ⇒ competent eaters (& feeders) and 🚗 feel REVVed to better your health!

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