
Marissa Beck, MS, RDN | Dietitian

My Monday morning ☀️ newsletter helps you 💥crush food and body weight struggles to🌱become ⇒ competent eaters (& feeders) and 🚗 feel REVVed to better your health!

A close up of a pink flower in a vase

What the… is “non-diet”?

Dear Reader, Whether you’re well-versed in today’s non-diet nutrition lingo or just hearing about it for the first time, I want to explain what “non-diet” means—and why this shift matters to me and the way I work with clients like you. First, a definition The word “diet” has been hijacked by the diet industry. In its literal sense, “diet” simply means “the food we eat.” Nothing more, nothing less. So, what’s “non-diet”? Because “diet” has become linked to weight loss and external food rules,...

School starting 🆙 will help us all.

Welcome to the newly rebranded “Revved & Ready!” Your Monday boost to get R&R in a whole new way. Not a subscriber yet? Start here. Happy Monday 🌞, Reader – Ah, the start of the school year—whether you’ve got kids in tow or not ... there’s something about this time of year that feels fresh and new, don’t you think? Maybe it’s the leaves starting to turn, or the sight of school buses lining the roads. But I think what really shifts for us all during this time is one simple word: Structure. And...

Talking to kids about sugar.

Here’s the thing... Yes, sugar matters. But... So does how you talk about it. As a parent, caregiver or someone in a leadership role (think: coach, teacher, relative or anyone who interacts with kiddos), you hold the power to shape a child’s relationship with food and their bodies for the rest of their lives. Oof! I know, it’s a huge responsibility. But it has to be said, that what you say directly affects what children may believe and feel about their body and how they eat and think about...
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Beyond KPIs.

Happy Monday, Reader, This weekend was filled with birthday shenanigans for my eldest, and I had a house full of guests on wheels... My family at the roller rink! It was nuts to say the least - in a good way! I mean, when you see my husband on skates, that’s when you know things are getting serious around here. In today’s email, you’ll get my latest thoughts about Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, and how I believe they can support our health goals without becoming the goal. P.S. Summer is...
iceberg of weight loss

The iceberg of weight loss.

These days... Weight loss is a touchy topic. Many healthcare practitioners avoid accepting weight loss patients. I respect their boundaries and reasoning. Conversely, some showcase before/after photos highlighting their clients’ success. I’m glad their clients find relief through weight loss. For the record, I don’t see weight loss as such a black-and-white issue, and as such, don’t fall into either belief camp. Should reaching a certain weight be part of your goals? Well, it depends. Hint:...
This is a hangry-plate challenge for families

Hangry evenings.

Hey Reader, What is your evening like? Future you will thank present-you. You know how it is at around 5p… Not quite dinner time, but close enough to warrant a small peek into the cabinets. Kids are complaining, you’re tired, and everyone wants to know what’s for dinner… Y’all are “HANGRY.” Hangry is hunger + anger = hangry. So what are you going to do about this? You can try my “hangry plate” method, which helps my clients get the munch they are looking for without eating an entire first or...
Everyday I'm hustling

Everyday I'm hustlin' (the Marissa way)

Hi Reader, I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been hearing from clients (and social media) about wanting to “quit hustle culture.” Of course, I did a little digging to really understand what people are defining as hustle culture, and according to a few sources (1, 2), it seems to revolve around: Glorifying relentless work Constant productivity Emphasizing long hours Defining professional achievements at the expense of health I get it - it’s easy to see why folks are pushing back against...

My Monday morning ☀️ newsletter helps you 💥crush food and body weight struggles to🌱become ⇒ competent eaters (& feeders) and 🚗 feel REVVed to better your health!